Which core strategy should you use                                                                                    
  • OmniTrader provides 3 core strategies. Trending, Reversals and Breakouts. Each is designed to look for different type of trading opportunity. You can then purchase additional strategies as required.
  • Users should adopt one trading style to start - for example trending strategy and test outcomes and of course you can change all parameters - refer simulation examples
Watch a video on strategies         Watch a video on portfolio simulation
Review examples of simulation results showing example of testing of strategies and some basic changes
Here are the three basic strategies which draw upon the 120 trading systems to find opportunities
  1. The Breakout Strategy is designed to find stocks that are surging into a move.
  2. The Reversal Strategy is designed to find stocks that look to be changing trend direction.
  3. The Trending Strategy is designed to find good trades in the direction of the current trend.