VisualTrader Chart Template Download                                                                            
Charts templates
  • Chart templates provide set ups to use along with your strategy
  • VisualTrader comes with some standard charts which you should not change
  • Always copy them and then modify as required
With VisualTrader closed save the file below (by clicking on it ) and saving them in the Nirvana directory on your C Drive as follows.

C:\program files\nirvana\VisualTrader 4.0\chart templates

Modified Trending Chart Template

Trending chart template   [file name = trending.vtd]     

Other default chart templates
Standard                 [file name = standard.vtd]     
Swing                       [file name = swing.vtd]     
Reversal                   [file name = reversal.vtd]       
Wave Trader chart template - if you have purchased the strategies
Wave Trader Chart template   [file name = wave trader.vtd] 
Guppy-Darvas chart template - if you have purchased the strategies

Guppy-Darvas Chart Template   [file name = guppy-darvas.vtd]     

also you need this strategy module installed if you purchased Guppy-Darvas combo
  • First click here if you have not downloaded the combo already  - make sure that once it is downloaded - save to your desktop - you must then run the installation program - otherwise nothing will work

  • Then the following sample chart templates will get you going in respect to the Guppy-Darvas Strategy chart layouts

Then open up VisualTrader and select Edit, Chart Options - from the tool bar and select the chart and also tick the box at the bottom so that this chart becomes the default for this map/focus list, you will need to do this for each map you create

Make sure that you set up the voting by going "edit,  time frames" to vote the strategy - unless you are trading 5 and 15 minutes these do not need to be selected.

Make sure you "activate the strategies" to match the profile go Edit, Trading Strategies - in this example we want Guppy-Darvas - note the time frames you want to use for voting. If this option is not there select both the GMMA Strategy and Darvas Nirvana strategies