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Food for Thought - Advice for Commodity Traders
bullet Plan your trade and trade your plan.
bullet The successful trader is not afraid to buy high & sell low. 
bullet Avoid getting out of the market just because you have lost patience or getting into the market because you are bored.
bullet Avoid getting in or out of the market too often.
bullet The most profitable trading tool is simply following the trend.
bullet Losses make the speculator studious -- not profits. Take advantage of every loss to improve your knowledge of market action.  
bullet The most difficult task in speculation is not prediction but self control. Successful trading is difficult and frustrating. You are the most important element in the success equation.
bullet The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short term price change.
bullet Avoid allowing a big winning trade to turn into a loser. Stop yourself out if market moves against you 20% from your peak profit point. 
bullet Successful trading requires four things. Knowledge, disciplined courage, money, and the energy to merge the first 3 properly.
bullet Expect and accept losses gracefully. Those who brood over losses always miss the next opportunity, which more than likely will be profitable.
bullet The key to successful trading is in knowing yourself and in knowing your stress point.
bullet Since there is always the possibility of surprise in thin, dead markets, less capital should be risked there than in markets which are broad and moving.  Limit the risk in any one trade to a maximum of 10% and the risk in all open trades to a maximum of 25% of trading capital (risk=percent of available capital). Determines this each day, adding profits and subtracting losses in open trades, and combine this net figure with your trading capital.
bullet Believe that "the big one is possible" -- be there when it starts. Have the power to act, be rested mentally and physically, and cut your losses quickly.
bullet Have you taken a loss? Forget it quick. If you have taken a profit, forget it quicker. Don't let ego and greed inhibit clear  thinking and hard work.
bullet Somewhere a change is occurring that can make you rich.
bullet Recognize that weather markets are inherently more volatile. Therefore, widen out your stops and give market plenty of room to move so it doesn't take you out prematurely.
bullet Re-evaluate your position in the market if charts have deteriorated and fundamentals have not developed as you expected.
bullet Beware of large positions that can control your emotions and feelings. In other words don't be overly aggressive with the market. Treat it gently, allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.
bullet Capital preservation is just as important as capital appreciation.
bullet When a market's gotten away and you've missed the first leg you should still consider jumping in even if it is dangerous and difficult.
bullet Work hard at understanding the key factor(s) motivating the market(s) you are trading. In other words, the harder you work the luckier you'll be.
bullet Never add to a losing position.
bullet The news always follows the market.
bullet To buy on a rising market is a most comfortable way of buying. Buy on a scale up. Sell on a scale down.
bullet Commodities are never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling. But after the initial transaction, avoid make a second unless the first shows a profit.
bullet The principles of successful commodity speculation are based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.
bullet Don't pioneer highs or lows. Let the market tell you a high or low has been made.
bullet As go the oats, so goes the feed grain markets.
bullet Except in unusual circumstances, get in the habit of taking your profit too soon. Don't torment yourself if a trade continues winning without you. Chances are it won't continue long. If it does, console yourself by thinking of all the times when liquidating early preserved gains you would otherwise have lost.
bullet Avoid getting rooted in a trade because of the feeling that it "owes" you something -- or, just as bad, the feeling that you "owe" it enough time to show what it can do. If it isn't going anywhere and you see something better, change trains.
bullet Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Avoid making a move if you are merely optimistic.
bullet Repeatedly re-evaluate your open positions. Keep asking yourself: would I put my money into this if it were presented to me for the first time today? Is this trade progressing toward the ending position I envisioned.
bullet What was once support, now becomes resistance. The reverse is also true. What was resistance, now becomes support.
bullet As a rule of thumb, good trend lines should touch at least three previous highs or lows. The more points the line catches, the better the line.
bullet In bull markets, sell signals will not always work, and in bear markets, buy signals will not always work.
bullet The clearest and easiest way to determine a trend is from previous highs and lows. Higher highs and higher lows mark an up trend, lower highs and lower lows mark a downtrend.
bullet Standing aside is a position.