VisualTrader Real-Time                                            
To set up Real Time VT
First ensure you have installed the eSignal data and followed all instructions from the mail sent to you by eSignal - note that your eSignal password will be required to be entered in VisualTrader.
Note references to installing OmniData in the user guides should be ignored
Once you have installed the software - remember to download the last patch via the Help option within VisualTrader
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Check list of things you should check
Have you loaded up your eSignal username and password
Edit Data Settings
Make sure your adjust your set up exchange from US to AU exchange - do not change the set times
Edit Data Settings
Your time frames only need to include times you use
Edit Data Settings
  • For each focus list you create - you need to add time frames as required - note that for smaller companies there may not be any trading in some time frames
Select the strategies you want - accept the defaults
Edit Strategies
You may want to add other modules such as Guppy-Darvas, the standard system only has the 3 strategies shown - to access more strategies you can purchase additional modules
Set up the Chart you want as the default
Edit Chart Options
  • Charts are associated with each profile/map
  • The default chart is standard, this can be changed and a new default chart can be selected
To set up your Symbols List - add a group name then key in symbols in the form shown, then SAVE
Edit Symbol List
Make sure data source Country is AU
Note that you usually are limited by eSignal to a maximum of 200 symbols per focus list or map
You can download Australian Maps from our support link here