PremiumData Support

My Data is not getting updated in OmniTrader?
To update your charts,  RUN  to the PremiumData program and select UPDATE tap and then the UPDATE Button
 - when completed open OmniTrader, and run to TO DO list
Set up PremiumData to run automatically - for example each night at 5pm or each hour during the day
1.  Go Start -> All Programs Files -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Task Scheduler
2.  Task Scheduler - under "Actions" on the right, click Create Basic Task.
3.  Create Basic Task - enter a suitable name (and description). [Next]
4.  Task Trigger - select Weekly. [Next]
5.  Weekly - select days Monday to Saturday (typically). [Next]
6.  Action - select Start a Program. [Next]
7.  Start a Program - click Browse. Then navigate to the c:\Trading Applications\bin folder and open it. Find "DataUpdate.exe in the folder, highlight it and click "Open" (or just double-click it). If Premium Data has been installed elsewhere, navigate to the \bin folder on your chosen installation path to find "DataUpdater.exe". [Next]
8.  In the "Add Arguments (optional)" box, enter the following text: autoupdate=1 autoclose=1. [Next]
9.  Summary - click "Finish".


Where are the files located on my Computer
The default installation path for a Stocks history is c:\Trading Data\Stocks -
c:\Trading Data\Stocks\ASX
c:\Trading Data\Stocks\SGX
c:\Trading Data\Stocks\US

Irrespective of which market history you install, the World Indices folder is located directly under the Stocks folder -
c:\Trading Data\Stocks\World Indices


When are the markets updated for ASX
The stocks trading platform of the Australian Securities Exchange, located in Sydney, opens at 10:00 and closes at 16:10. Late trading can occur on Equities up to 19:00. Equity Exchange Traded Options close for trading at 16:45. Index Exchange Traded Options close for trading at 20:00. Sydney is at GMT+10 and observes daylight saving during the southern hemisphere summer months to be GMT+11.
Subscription Package Equities Package Extras 1  
  Snapshot Edition Update Available Equities Indices Indicators ETOs Warrants Interest Bearing Notes
Intraday 11:00 11:20 The earliest possible time at which snapshots are available is 20 minutes after the hour. The intraday snapshots provide an update to the Open, High, Low, Close and Volume of the current day's bar/candle.
12:00 12:20
13:00 13:20
14:00 14:20
15:00 15:20
End-of-day Equities Close 16:30 - Closing prices for Equities, Indices, Interest-bearing Securities & Warrants.
17:00 17:00 - - - - - Closing price for Equity ETOs
19:00 19:20 For Equities, this edition incorporates any after-market volumes and trade reversals/corrections published by the ASX, and is considered the official data for the day. For Equity ETOs, the settlement price is put into the Close price field.
  Final 20:30 - - - - - For Index ETOs, the settlement price is put into the Close price field.

The intraday snapshots are performed by the ASX on the hour and are available at the earliest 20 minutes later.


What ASX market data is in the historical data base


  • Price & volume data back to January 1992.
  • All securities adjusted for capital events (splits, consolidations, capital returns, spin-offs etc) in a consistent manner.
  • No data gaps for periods where stocks changed code whilst trading in "deferred settlement" mode.
  • Separate folder for "Delisted Securities".
  • Separate folder for “Warrants” to reduce clutter.


  • All Ordinaries, S&P/ASX 20, S&P/ASX 50, S&P/ASX 100 etc. Plus -
  • All Ordinaries & S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Indices
  • GICS Level 1 (Sector) Indices for ASX 200 & 300
  • GICS Level 2 (Industry Group) Indices for ASX 200 & 300
  • Simulated histories for periods prior to index launch dates

Note to get OmniTrader to display this history data you need to go Edit Data periods, Daily and make the number of bars in day equal to the number of years. For example 5 years is around 200 x 5  = 1000 bars