Snap Analyzer Module                                                                                 
With Snap Analyzer you will be able to:
  • Find sharp pullbacks with a strong trend to provide you timing signals of when to enter a trade
  • Measure the strength of the stock to confirm your trade and determine when to capture profits
  • Understand Long Trend Strength
  • Understand the Tradability of the Stock
  • Determine the potential profitability of a snap trade and see the back test results of prior snap trades
  • Sort all your shares by snap potential
In the Australian Market
  • the Group Strength Indicator will not work with our data source. 
  • You will also need OmniTrader 2014.
  • The research Tab can be activated to include Australian sources.
  • You will need to ensure "XJO" is set up in your focus list for the market strength analysis to work.
  • You need to be running end of day Metastock data to activate, live data feeds such as eSignal do not work.
Examples from the  Australian Market - showing shares sorted by Snap Potential and example of screen displays activated - the charts show the recent price movement and the template using the cloud module for analysis