CorporateDoctor Market Data
For more information       
Starter Package - first time user  
ASX Starter Package  List A$354  (including GST) 
A 6 months subscription to ASX end of day data plus hourly snapshot data plus ASX and World indexes plus a once only charge for 10 years of  historical ASX data  
Shares - 6 months  - all include world indexes  
ASX Equities 6 Months End of Day only  List A$218   [A$36.33/month] 
ASX Equities 6 Months End of Day + hourly intra day updates  List A$255    [$42.50/month]
add ASX Intra Day updates (snap shot data)  to my current subscription List A$36   
ASX Historical Data (10 years ) List A$99   useful for strategy performance testing
Stocks - 12 months - all include world indexes    get a 12 month subscription and save  
ASX Equities Pack (End of Day) 12 months  List A$396   [$33/month] 
Or ASX Equities Pack (End of Day plus hourly  updates) 12 months  List A$462  [$38.50/month]
add ASX Intra Day updates (snap shot data)  to my current subscription List A$66   
ASX Historical Data (10 years )   List A$99   useful for strategy performance testing
Futures (End of Day)  12 months List A$396
Futures Historical Data    List A$99  only ever needed once
Foreign Exchange  
Foreign Exchange (End of Day)  12 months List A$198
Foreign Exchange Historical Data   List A$99  only ever needed once
Singapore Share Prices plus indexes  
Equities Pack  (End of Day)  12 months List A$198
Or Equities Pack (End of Day plus hourly  updates) 12 months  List A$264
Historical Data (10 years )   List A$99   only ever needed once
US Share Prices plus  indexes  
Equities Pack  (End of Day)  12 months List A$462
Historical Data (back to 1985 )   List A$99   only ever needed once
Other Information  
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